Happy Anniversary to me.
Today I was interviewed for the Bullhorn, a local music zine, by Seth from the Undesirables. It dawned on me when he asked how long I have lived in Duluth that today is the 12th Anniversary of my arrival in town.
I was living in Owatonna, MN. previously and had just moved in to an old VW van for the summer when I found out that I could transfer from Gold Cross Owatonna to the Duluth office. Well I drove straight up and have not regretted it since. Thank you Duluth, thank you friends. Heres to the next 12.
Oh, my birthday is a week from today too. No gifts greater than 20 bucks please (kidding, 30 bucks will be fine.)
From the absent-minded Professor
What's another word for "pirate treasure"?
Moving up a notch
Tomorrow, Duluth City Councilor Donny Ness gets married. This excites me because it means I move up one notch on the Duluth's Most Eligible Bachelor list. The problem is that the list doesn't really exist yet in any semi-official way. So, feel free to comment with your nominations. Maybe we can use a PDD Poll to organize them.
In case you didn't see what the City Pages had to say about Duluth and PDD, here it is.
Best Weekend Getaway
There are quaint American cities without Duluth's windblown bohemia, lakeside burghs without Duluth's severe beauty, and party towns without Duluth's excessiveness. But combine these fascinations into one place, located less than three hours north of the Twin Cities, and you have an almost obligatory road trip for anyone interested in culture as well as nature. For the latter, by the way, Duluth is cooler than down here even on a hot summer day--like the feeling of going down into your basement. The historic port city on the mouth of Lake Superior is so under-run with tourists in the off season that you can virtually count on seclusion along the beach at Park Point, a six-mile-long spit of sand and wispy grass that looks straight out of a French New Wave film. Cross back over the Aerial Lift Bridge toward Superior St., and stop by Hepzibah's candy store for a truffle (394 Lake Ave. S., www.hepzibahs.com). Then explore the Central Hillside neighborhood, home of most of the city's great bands (including Low and their brother band, the Black-Eyed Snakes), plus enough antique, magazine, and coffee shops to keep geeks geeked. (Speaking of which, Duluth is home to the nation's only Geek Prom.) But don't miss the sights that sink into the mind's eye: the old Glensheen Mansion, the Superior Hiking Trail, Leif Erickson Park's rose garden. And once you've cushioned your stomach for a night's hard living (at any of a dozen good, cheap restaurants), check out the half-dozen great live-music clubs: among them, Beaner's Café (324 N. Central Ave., 218.624.5957), Pizza Lucé (11 E. Superior St., 218.727.7400), Fitger's Brewery (600 E. Superior St., 218.722.8826), and the sporadically reopening NorShor Theatre (211 E. Superior St., 218.727.7585). Pick up copies of The Reader Weekly and The Ripsaw News for full details and events, and check out the web log listed above for a better taste of their flavor, which is often wry, ready for fun, a little on the desperate side.
Found on Letterman!
Davey and Pete of Found Magazine are going to be on the Letterman show tonight showing off their groovy finds. This is the same Found Magazine that we talked in to coming to Duluth on June 21rst.
I have not finalized all the arrangements yet but it will be happening at the Lafayette square on Park Point. Bring a dish to pass and something to drink. Oh and bring your cool finds and maybe it will end up in their next issue.
Poll Results
1. Blah [16 votes, 29.62%]
2. Blah Blah [19 votes, 25.68%]
3. Blah Blah Blah [39 votes, 52.70%]
Prairie Home Companion Rawks Duluth.
I am not always a fan of PHC. I have often thought they could benefit from some editing, but when my peeps from Dullyouth are hobnobbin with Garrison I say 3 hours more!!
If you did not catch the live performance, it will be repeated today at 11am. Charlie and Jerree were the best. Louis Jenkins also delivered the goods. I loved it when Garrison talked about coming over the hill and seeing the lake, that always tugs at my heart strings.
God bless Duluth.
Charlie Parr on PHC
Congatulations to all you awesome Duluth musicians and Poets. I'll post some pics of Louis Jenkins later.
Jerree Small live on Prairie Home Companion!
I captured a few photos of Jerree on PHC. Garrison Keillor sang with her, eewww.
I'll try to get some of Charlie Parr too but my computer keeps crashing.
I'll try to get some of Charlie Parr too but my computer keeps crashing.
Because there is so much happening this Saturday and I have to work I will be rescheduling this event. Not sure when, but soon I hope.
Whaddya say we all don our Pirate duds and head to Karpeles about 1pm on Saturday April 24th.
Lets meet at Sir Benedicts Tavern on the Lake for a pre-visit Grog and walk up to the Karpeles en masse. Casual pirate wear will be fine. For more silly Pirate fun go here.
Geek Prom King
i've been waiting for an excuse to plug his photos for a while now. being crowned geek prom king is as good of an excuse as any...
hethrael is his website. there you will find the photos. some of my favorites include the ice crystals on windows. and the 'holy lift bridge' photos.
long live the king!
hethrael is his website. there you will find the photos. some of my favorites include the ice crystals on windows. and the 'holy lift bridge' photos.
long live the king!
I am not a videographer.
However, here is a longish movie (Quicktime, 26Mb) from last night's Geek Prom. It's a big download, and poor quality, but it does show how much fun we had. If any of you geeks have any hints as to how to make videos smaller without reducing the quality so much, I would love to hear them. But for now, enjoy.
Uh ... where are all you guys?
Oh! Oh! OK! You're right here!
How do we top this? I just touched a sting ray.
How do we top this? I just touched a sting ray.
Geek Prom Update!
Spaz Dancing complete! (Congrats to PDDer Zoey on her victory. Some other guy I don't know won, too.)
Trailer Park Queen is rockin the socks off the place.
To quote Dennis DeYoung, "Dreams do come true."
Coronation comin' up!
Trailer Park Queen is rockin the socks off the place.
To quote Dennis DeYoung, "Dreams do come true."
Coronation comin' up!
Live From Geek Prom 3!
What are you doing online, GEEK? Get your pasty butt down to the aquarium, and join your brethren. There are balloons, funky lights, fish, balloons, Ms. Ludwig on the accordion, fish, balloons, a live webcast, bunnies running around outside, balloons, fish, and GEEKS.
More updates later. Now pick up your cousin and get down here!
More updates later. Now pick up your cousin and get down here!
Poll Results
What's your favorite diet?
1. Atkins [4 votes, 6.90%]
2. Blood Type Diet [4 votes, 6.90%]
3. Juice Fast [1 vote, 1.72%]
4. Binge and Purge [25 votes, 43.10%]
5. Slim Fast [0 votes, 0.00%]
6. The Zone [0 votes, o.00%]
7. 7 Day Bikini [1 voye, 1.72%]
8. God's Diet [10 votes, 17.24%]
9. Subway Diet [3 votes, 5.17%]
10. The Richard Simmon's Diet [ 10 votes, 17.24%]
A Perfect Duluth Day
I recently made four short videos on spec for the Light Rail station kiosks in Minneapolis. This is one of them. The videos had to be under 1:30 in length and there were two themes you could choose from: "Minnesota Nice" or "The Weather". I chose the latter. I had a lot of footage - mainly of the Duluth area - leftover from a documentary I made in 2001. Anyway, you'll need Quicktime Player to view this (go to Apple's website to download a free copy). The file is 4.7mgs in size so you techno-peasants still using dial-up will have time to clean the house while waiting for the download.
What The Hell Is With This?
I open up the Duluth News Tribune, and this is glaring back at me from the front page of the Local section. I'm going to have nightmares for a week.
Our publicity stunt was a smashing success. We packed 21 Geeks in a Kia Rio and all the news stations came to the event.
Only 4 days till the Prom now.
Can I confirm any of you for the Geek Streak?
pictures couresy of barrettchase.com
Only 4 days till the Prom now.
Can I confirm any of you for the Geek Streak?
pictures couresy of barrettchase.com
It's Geek Week!
Calling all Geeks, putzes and smallish people without claustrophobia. On Tuesday, April 13, at the Great Lakes Aquarium we will be stuffing as many people as possible into a Brand spanking new Kia Rio. All the news cameras will be there and the stunt will be airing live.
We will need as many spazzes as possible to pull this stunt off so show up at 5:45pm in front of the Aquarium (parking should be free in the lot) and dress geeky but comfortable. Your assistance in our publicity machine will be greatly appreciated.
The difference between us and a computer is that, the computer is blindingly stupid, but it is capable of being stupid many, many million times a second.
-Douglas Adams
i Found what i was looking for.
I just got off the phone with Davey from Found Magazine and it is confirmed. Found will be in Duluth on June, 21rst as part of their 50 states tour. Our email pleas worked and he has been persuaded to end his Winnipeg visit early and journey to Gitchee Gumee.
Now we just need to figure out the perfect venue, any ideas? Sunhillow books sells Found but I was thinking that renting Lafayette Square down on Park Point would be pretty fun. Maybe a potluck, a band and a fire at sunset on the longest day of the year.
That's my idea. What's yours?
More Found Stuff
yaaa for bandwagons! someone left this on a napkin at beaner's central. i saved it from the inevitable trash can..
More discarded beauty
Continuing in the found art theme, this slide was found while dumpster diving in Superior a couple years ago. As far as I know, this was part of a human sexuality slideshow, and there were hundreds of slides.
Here's an idea for your answering machine web site: Use found images of people and match them up with the answering machine messages. Maybe Moustache Man here could be the voice of the Twice but Nice outgoing message.
Twice but Nice
For a year or so I have been collecting the tapes left in answering machines that have been donated to Thrift Stores. These are spectacular glimpses into peoples lives and I can't believe they get so casually discarded. So I present to you a new series of posts I will call "Leave a Message at the Beep"
For this first installment I bring you "Twice but Nice", they are a quasi-thrift store that used to be located in West Duluth but is now closer to my pad in the East Hillside.
Outgoing message
Las Vegas
Bettie Mae
Mason Jennings and desecration
For my thoughts about the Mason Jennings concert on Friday, click here.
Go to the light.
Boy does that lost hour hurt when you go to bed at 2am.
Had a nice walk to the Looch for brunch this morning and found this picture of the baby laying on the sidewalk. It's kinda sad in a way, a small defensless baby picture lying there all wet and covered in gravel. I'll probably send it off to Found magazine so it can have a nice warm home in a file drawer somewhere.
Speaking of Found. The folks that put that amazing magazine together are going off on a 50 states tour. Yes, all 50 states in like 8 months. They will be showing off their favorite finds and selling mags out of their trunk. When I was perusing the dates and cities they will visit I noticed a hole in the schedule between Winnipeg and Minneapolis. I emailed them a while back about stopping in Duluth and never heard back. I even mailed them the top 10 reasons why they should come to Duluth.
So I got to thinking, what if I did a Blog post and told everyone to send them an email invite to the Northland naming the reasons why they should come through town, cool arts community, skinnydipping, you get the idea.
The dates they would most likely be able to be here are June 21-22 which just so happen to be the longest days of the year. So check out their website or better yet pick up Found Magazine issue #3 at Sunhillow books on 4th St. and then send an email asking them to come to Duluth. We will throw them a real swell party.
Oh and tell em PDD sent ya.
Calling All Trolls
Recently, the old static Slim Goodbuzz site turned dynamic. In other words, it now features a message board for interaction with Slim and/or incoherent drunken ramblings. There has been some activity in the few weeks that it's been up, but not many people know about it yet.
Anyway, if you have any sloppy anecdotes, questions for Slim, or any other booze-related topics of discussion, bring it on over to slimgoodbuzz.com. It's free, easy, and anonymous. It's pretty tame right now, but I predict some kind of drunken flame war is going to heat up any day now. Get in while the gettin's good.
behold the power of cheese.
Cheesy Fondue
and a close Battleship tournament. Congrats Paulie, you Geek.
and a close Battleship tournament. Congrats Paulie, you Geek.
Poll Results
What would you do with the 10 Commandments monument at City Hall?
Remove it. [24 votes, 16.78%]
Let it stay. [13 votes, 9.09%]
Put it on Doty's front lawn. [106 votes, 74.13%]
Remove it. [24 votes, 16.78%]
Let it stay. [13 votes, 9.09%]
Put it on Doty's front lawn. [106 votes, 74.13%]
What's it like in Kidland?
When I was about 7 or 8, I was riding in the back of a pickup truck with my friend from down the street, when we passed the tunnel pictured above. My friend, who was a little younger than me, maybe 6, went absolutely berserk. "It's Kidland!" he screeched. "Kidland!" I was dumbfounded.
"Don't you know about Kidland?" he asked. I said I didn't. Then he proceeded to tell me about the wonderful, miraculous land that existed on the other end of this tunnel. It was a place where kids ran wild and could do whatever they wanted, sort of like Pleasure Island in Pinocchio. Some mischievous adult had obviously fed him this line of BS, and he had swallowed it whole. I asked him if he had ever been to Kidland, and he got a look on his face, like he was a devout Christian and I was asking if he had ever gone to Heaven.
So anyway, since it was a beautiful spring day today, I decided to hop on my Trek 820 and take a little trip to Kidland. Here's what I found.
The tunnel leads to this scrubby, matted-down area beneath DM&IR Dock No. 6, which is no longer in use. This is one of those places of power, perversion and privacy, like the railroad trestle I wrote about a few weeks ago on PDD. I suspect that in a twisted way, my young friend was right -- this is a place where kids go wild and do whatever they want. There are plenty of mattresses, beer bottles, and other stuff to indicate that they frequently do.
There are other things of interest in Kidland as well. For example, this field, which is just inexplicable. Maybe it's some kind of parking lot for the dock workers. I saw it and my first reaction was to organize the most lurid picnic ever.
Finally, there is this trail which runs along the railroad tracks and leads through the West End all the way to downtown, at the Graffiti Graveyard. I rode the trail most of the way downtown, ignoring the No Trespassing signs and eluding the railroad cops. There are some pretty cool bogs, bridges, and other points of interest. It's a pretty clean trail, though, all in all.
But I bet it totally comes to life some nights.
You go Loretta!!
Here is our MaMa all dolled up like Loretta. Man that babe can belt out a tune. Big props to Jaybird Grunderson for his sweet-sweet harmonies and lead gitar pluckin.
Now I am going to have some Potstickers made by Mr. V-Nick.
Night all.
Duluth "Academy Awards"
If anyone is interested in helping plan the first annual Duluth "Academy Awards," there is a meeting in Herb Bergson's office on Sunday, April 4, at 3:30pm. Park in the circle drive in front of City Hall. The event will be taking place on June 11 at the NorShor. It is also a fundraising effort for an endowment fund to help bring underprivileged youth to arts and cultural events. So far it seems like it's going to be a lot of fun. If you can't make the meeting, you can email me for details at pynt@hotmail.com.
Saturday Nite Birthday Party
Me and my good friend Brenda Brock (girlfriend of PDD'er Chip) are having a joint birthday party this Saturday @ 9:00 PM (that's Saturday, not Friday) at the usual Professor party venue. BYOB. We can't think of a fun theme, so bring your own. Come formal, naked, costumed, wearing hot pink, whatever. We don't care. Just bring us presents (kidding!).
I am turning 35. Brenda advises that she is turning 22 again (fourth or fifth time).
I am turning 35. Brenda advises that she is turning 22 again (fourth or fifth time).
Former Alternative Newsweekly Writers Start...Alternative Newsweekly
[found this in my mailbox today - jadin]
Greetings from the other side of an alternative newsweekly's massive flux!
We have some news for you. In lieu of the weekly columns we produced for
the now deceased newsweekly the Ripsaw News (now a very snazzy,glossy
monthly magazine) some of the us impassioned and focused (read:
monomaniacal) writers elected to create a new medium for our ragged and
persistent voices to be heard. We also though it was pretty important to
the community to have a weekly calendar of arts and music events and a
vehicle for discussing immediate and relevant events.
We invite you to take a look at what we came up with.
http://www.transistormag.com Heads-up: it takes forever to load. But it's
there. And lovely. And occasionally funny.
Thank you for years of feedback, communication, and, well, sweet lovin'.
We promise to do what we can to reciprocate.
Mark Lindquist, Paul Lundgren, Jim Richardson, Anna Owens, Mary Tennis,
Mark Oberg, Mic Trout, and the one, the only, the utterly invisible to the
naked eye, Adam Guggemos.
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