
Anniversary Surprises Pt. 3: Working Blue

Our second subdomain brings us one Mr. Mark Lindquist, writer, rawker, and proprietor of Shaky Ray Records.

Check it out at http://workingblue.perfectduluthday.com

Our Babies all growns up.

One year ago today.

Oh. If PDD goes down for a day or two it is my fault. I only renewed our domain name yesterday not knowing it can take several days to process. I thought we lived in the digital age.

See you tonight at the Saiboat Park. I think we will be showing "The Big Lebowski" complete with Caucasians (White Russians for those who have not seen the movie.)



Where did that year go?

Perfect Duluth Day celebrates the anniversary of its first post tomorrow, and we simply must get together and celebrate, dahling.

Let's choose an intimate, out-of-the-way place this time. Shall we say, the Sailboat Park on the 700 block of W. Superior Street We will bring snacks and a cake, and when it gets dark, we'll show a movie on the big cement wall. Bring your skateboard, your Frisbee and a cushion.

PDD Party | Sailboat Park | 8:30pm | Wednesday

Scavenger hunt?

Does anyone have any details about the Scavenger Hunt that was this last Sunday? I really wanted to go, but instead saw Peter Himmelman at the zoo. So post some stories and make me regret my decision! :D

Anniversary Surprises Pt. 2: The Next Level

This is the first of hopefully several PDD "subdomains," which will be separate PDD pages for selected writers of merit.

Paul Lundgren has been writing "The Next Level" for around 7 years, I think, and the column has appeared in the Northland Reader and the Ripsaw; it currently appears in the Transistor Transmission.

Check back every other week for a new "Next Level" column, and to peruse the archives for that favorite column from the past.

And now, on to the subdomain: http://nextlevel.perfectduluthday.com

The Circus is in town.

7 PM at Leif Erickson

I received a call yesterday from a woman named Jenka who is part of the Cycle Circus. They are currently travelling around the Great Lakes and performing random acts of Music, Puppetry and Art.

From their website:

Cycle Circus collective is a group of puppeteers, circus performers, bicycle builders and educators who have joined together to create colorful community events. We travel by bicycle as a festive parade to various communities uniting people through art and theater.

By collaborating with a diversity of groups our pedal-powered tours are aimed at creating social change through performances and skill shares. As cultural workers we are inspired to engage with the communities we visit to empower each other in creatively addressing our varied and common struggles.

Most of the group arrived in town last night and the rest of the crew will be here soon. They will be performing sometime this evening in Leif Erickson Park and later tonight at 16 N. 58th Ave. West (see 3 posts back.)

They will be contacting me later today with an exact performance time for Leif Erickson.

This sounds like a Perfect PDD Field Trip!

Web Poll Results

Which would you prefer?

Asparagus pee [32 votes, 45.07%]
Coffee pee [18 votes, 25.35%]
Beet pee [21 votes, 29.58%]


Mix CD

A two-cd mix I made for friends. A list of songs and downloads available here.

Also, is there a way to have the pdd blog displayed on other websites? like using the < insert > command? Or is that not allowed?

Anniversary Surprises Pt. 1: Bridget Riversmith

As many of you know, Wednesday, June 30 is the first anniversary of Perfect Duluth Day. And so, I thought I'd spend this week sprucing things up a bit, presenting some new toys and gadgets for the PDD community.

Please welcome our new featured artist, Bridget Riversmith. And as amazing as these images are, the Web doesn't even do them justice. Keep an eye on redrabbitriversmith.com for upcoming shows, so you can see 'em up close and in person.


Now THAT's an artist.


Price check, one two, one two. . .

I'm seriously considering raising my prices a ton. I think they'd actually sell if I charged more for them. (too cheap so they seem low quality is my reasoning)


Sincerest Form of Flattery

Or something like that. There's a low tribute compilation in the works...no not by any label or any music industry big wigs....just fans from the low fan listserv. Humble people getting riled up about getting the EXACT guitar chords for "John Prine" or getting really miffed when I joking did an expose' on Mim's gambling addiction...well they're nice people from all over the world and now they are paying tribute to their shoe gazing heros with a little tribute collection of low covers...I thought lil ol duluth shouldn't be left out so I said...I'll do starfire!! Well not actually DO starfire but ...er..well...then I thought..why not have starfire DO starfire...That's much better and probably fun to watch in a sick contortionist kinda way so...I booked the time at the church and with ericswan and aaronifthousands help, waaalaaa
Starfire.mp3 was born...enjoy

right click on the link and "save target as" ... or just open winamp and play location http://www.empirestatehuman.co.uk/lowtribute/starfire.mp3

show @ the "new" shor

just plain wrong
10:30 $2

here's your chance to send tonya off with the bang she deserves


Don't player hate. Player appreciate.

Get your pimp name. Read about the pimp of the month. Just plain learn important stuff, like how to be a Love Distributor. Visit playerappreciate.com.

PDD Field Trip

JED's Birthday Dinner

That's right, folks. The only blogger ever to be forcibly removed from PDD wants YOU to attend her birthday dinner. And when I say you, I mean you. You might be thinking, "Oh, surely not ME. I called her a skank."

Yes. YOU.

Hacienda del Sol
319 E Superior St | 7pm | Tonight


Feeding the Monkey...

So, for the past few weeks...actually closer to the past month, I've been swinging by Whole Foods on my way to roast the coffee to pick up a couple of Third Street cookies. Fellow Bloggareenos...I have a problem. I have a Third Street Monkey on my back. I am admittedly addicted to those soft chewy delicioso treats...can't get enough of them. It all started when I was lucky enough to score a few dollars from the couch and dryer...instead of putting it away for a new pair of glasses (the responsible thing to do...) I squandered it away on The Monkey. Now, I can't get enough. I've dropped my frequency to twice a week, but since I'm one of those people who doesn't carry 'real' money, I have to buy two at a time to justify using my card.

I take it all back

I posted earlier today about how it looked pretty nice out and that we should all go to the beach. I'm replacing that post with this one because the clouds are rolling in.

Meet me at the bar.

Time to start poking Barrett until he concedes to my demands!

/poke /poke /poke /poke. . .

Oh and a link to blogger.com on the pdd main page would rock the cashbar.


This is the 1000th post on PDD!

That equals 2.8 posts per day over the last 357 days. Good work my fellow Blogger's. Stay tuned for more info on the 1 year anniversary of Perfect Duluth Day.

Are There Any, Like, Musicians in This Town?

Misplaced Music Net Radio is an Internet radio station out of Minneapolis started by area musicians for area musicians. Rumor has it, they'd like more Duluth bands in their playlist, and are eager for submissions from up north. If you want to submit your CD, or you'd like to know more about the station and the co-op, or if you want to listen, check out misplacedmusic.org


End of the Bush regime?

Last night I watched Bringing Down a Dictator on PBS. Even though it dealt with issues that at one time seemed a world away (the Milosevic regime in Serbia), today it seems to have an unsettling parallel.
Fixing elections, violence and wars, goverment restrictions, massive unemployment - it's not hard to make the comparison to Bush.
On the positive side, what caused the downfall of Milosevic was Otpor - student activists who engaged the country with their non-violent tactics. Change can be made.

Summer's here!

Good morning Blogosphere and hello Mr. Summer!

Today is the day! Davey Rothbart of Found should be on his way from Winnipeg now to regale us with his Fresh Finds.

Here is the lowdown on tonight for the last time, I promise.

7pm Potluck at the MAC. The Mac is located at 22 N. 1rst Avenue West. Just up from Jitters Coffee shop. Bring something to pass and maybe a beverage. I will provide plates and utensils.

8pm Davey will start his talk. Maybe you heard him on This American Life this weekend. He is very entertaining and has a great laugh.

9pm Dog Pookah starts playing. Toxic Tuesday will debut at some point during a Dog Pookah break.

So tell your friends to come on down. Let's show Found a real great Duluth time.

*then we can go skinny-dipping.


Poll Results


1. Your head is too big. [76 votes, 61.79%]
2. Your belly is too big. [27 votes, 21.95%]
3. Your ass is too big. [20 votes, 16.26%]


Have you been Found?

June 21rst is coming up quick. The Duluth News Tribune wrote a nice piece on Davey Rothbart and Found. You can read it here.

Does anyone plan on coming for the PotLuck? I will be providing paper plates and utensils. Do you think I should arrange for a grill?


Instead of "endless summer"....cause gawd knows, it's gonna end (if it hasn't already).. I propose this is WIRELESS SUMMER!!! I'm posting from the brewhouse now (thanks tim and rod) and then I'll go down to the c-anal park and check my ebay accnt. oooo I cant wait to play city of heros from amazing grace....go go wireless!!! let's have a wired duluth party where we all post and stream from different parts of town....
BTW I used the terraserver to get the sat image of duluth...where were you on 17 May 1991?

This is hilarious.

Here is a funny story from our GBV concert experience.


Got any ideas for this weekend?

In his capacity as grand instigator and supreme leader of the Los Angeles Cacophony Society, "Reverend Al" Ridenour was famed for his practical jokes. His presence at the Los Angeles Marathon, however, was not universally appreciated.

Having unfurled a "Just Quit" banner at the 22-mile mark of the 26.2 mile course, the merry pranksters proceeded to entice tired runners to join the dark side with offers of doughnuts, beer, cigarettes and beef jerky.


My proudest fathering moment

This weekend my 6 year old had a friend over. They were eating their macaroni and cheese for lunch. As expected, their conversation turned to burps and farts. The Friend had an unbelievable burping skill, and my son and his 3-year old sister tried to do it too but couldn't produce the real burps, just guttural "ahhh"s and grunts.

Then The Friend told them that he could make farts with his armpit, which caused amazement and disbelief. He tried it, but nothing happened. He blamed the shirt he was wearing.
I had been listening quietly to all this, and couldn't resist. I walked into the kitchen with my right hand firmly in my left armpit, and my left arm flapping. Their eyes got huge and The Friend said "Wow, my brother can't even do it that good!"


All in a Day's Work

Prints are available in many sizes, for the most part whatever size you want. 12" x 18" cost $25.00. Email me if interested.

I heart Charter!

No not really!

I was paying 49.90 a month for my high speed. . . internet. It was 30 something for the internet, 4.95 for modem rental, and a 10 dollar fee for not having cable TV. I went to their website to find out how much web space I'm allowed for my package. (their server is super fast compared to what pepper-land.net is on right now) :/

On their main page I see an ad for their high speed internet package. The only one they offer is 39.95 a month. And it's 3mb. When I signed up with them they had the 'silver, gold, and platinum' packages, we had the silver. It was 384kbps.

So I called charter and asked about the package. I was able to reduce my monthly amount from 49.90 to 39.95 a month with a 2.95 modem charge, and no penalty for not having cable TV, for a total of 42.95 a month. For 8 dollars less my internet speed went from average 240kbps, to 1980kbps.

Thank you Charter. I'm thankful you informed me that your packages had changed, making sure I had the best possible deal, instead of keeping me in the dark paying more money for a fraction of the speed.

Just thought any Charter customers who are in the same boat would like a heads up. Long live Corporate America!

--- End Sarcasm ---

On a side note, what server(s) host perfectduluthday.com and barrettchase.com? Actually, anyone have a good (fairly cheap) hosting service they recommend?


Apartment Hunting?

Shameless self-serving promotion here...

There's a nice apartment for rent in the upper of a duplex, 1 or two bedrooms, depending on who moves in, corner lot looking East toward the Lake, off street parking (yeah, off street parking), lots of sun, front yard...stupidclose (read: Stumbling Distance) to the local watering holes and the Lake...full basement, laundry (washer and dryer, included in the rental...)...painting and decorations in the apartment are extremely agreeable, in which I don't really care what you do with it (with obvious exclusions such as demolition and the like...), private entrance, and a small sitting deck off the back, plus a front porch...

The kids who live there are moving out at the end of the month, and both current and future landlords would like to find tenants as soon as possible. The current landlord rocks the casbah, as he pretty much leaves us to ourselves, and I'm in the process of purchasing it from them, set to close here later on this summer...and I'd like to think I'm an alright guy...

I keep the yard up, and am going to be doing some major renovations in the coming years which will include new windows, a fence around the yard (picket, not chain link), french doors between the two larger rooms, landscaping, and some smaller cosmetic items along the way...

The current asking price on rent is either 600 or 650 a month, (I think at this point due to the impending sale, we could be a little flexible on the lease) which is awesome for what you get in the deal...we (the landlords) pay for the heating oil and garbage, keep the place mowed and such. The only other utilities for the upstairs would be a gas and electric bill. Ideally we'd look for younger couples, like the Missus and I, serious student types, and just all around nice people...

The most you'd have to contend with from your neighbors would be an occasional stereo going and a minor wait in the basement for the washer...other than that, there is the possibility for random cookie exchanges, grill outs (we happen to have three), and other neighborly behavior

If ya wanna check it out, call the current landlord (Gordon and Traci Ramsay @ 728.9322) to set up a showing. If ya wanna look at it, the addy is 901 E 4th St, corner lot, facing the lake...look for the tomato plants growing in 5 gallon buckets on the front stoop.

thanks fer listening...

Devendra Banhart tonight.

Barrett Chase dot com, V-Nick and I are headed down to the big city tonight to see Devendra Banhart at the Minneapolis Women's Club. This is the theatre that Tiny Tim died at while going up in an elevator.

Does anyone know of a good Thai place in Minneapolis?


The Rumors Are True

Long lost mysterious Gonzo Science brother Allen Richardson is moving to Duluth at the end of the summer. Watch for mad hijinks as the brothers move in together and raise hell. Allen is going to hit this town like a dirty bomb.



Being the perfect Duluth bloggers you all are, you qualify for Gmail.

Google's answer to uh... email. you can signup via blogger's homepage. I'm jumping on this bandwagon like Duluth on Meth.

Industrial Espionage

This print is available up to 56" x 17" give or take. . .

I've been _cough_ tresspassing _cough_, taking photos of duluth's industrial sections. Anyone have any spots they know of that would be a fun photo shoot?


Out of curiosity...

Green Man...

going? Anyone?

A little over a month away and things are starting to get done and in place...

Last year was pretty awesome, with the Aurora Borealis and all...


By George I think he's here!

Meet George Cyrus Sparhawk. He was born Saturday, June 5th at 7:30pm in Duluth, MN. He weighed in at a whopping 10lbs 8oz. and is 24 inches long, whew! Mom, Dad and sister are are all doing great. He is the 7th George in a long line of George's. He will be going by his middle name like his daddy and his daddies before him. Cy for short is good too.

Looks like this Nanny could stay busy for quite a few years now.

PDD Poll Results.

In honour of Spring, what is your favourite flower?

1. Tulips [16 votes, 9.41%]
2. Roses [9 votes, 5.29%]
3. Pansies [12 votes, 7.06%]
4. Sunflowers [22 votes, 12.94%]
5. Dandelions [13 votes, 7.65%]
6. Lilies [47 votes, 27.65%]
7. Lupines [36 votes, 21.18%]
8. Begonias [2 votes, 1.18%]
9. Mums [2 votes, 1.18%]
10. Daffodils [11 votes, 6.47%]

Ballooning Spiders

I was not aware of this phenomenon until I saw it firsthand on Park Point yesterday. Anyone else witness ballooning spiders over the weekend, other than the "ballooning spiders" at R. T. Quinlan's Saloon?


Like rats off a sinking Administration...uhh, I mean ship...

Sorry for the activity on my part...or overactivity...

Just read on Yahoo that Armitage is headed out the door...no definate dates, but there is apparently a lot of speculation as to how long he'll stick around. He'd be #2 behind Tenet and then Powell isn't taking another turn so he'd be...#3? Anybody notice a trend? Is there a trend to notice, or is this just typical of end of office/pre election changeups? If it's a trend, and people are starting to jump ship...the fact that Armitage is even talking about bailing barely 72 hours after Tenet called it quits is spurious enough for me to question...unless the press pushed him with that question, in which case it'd be a story out of context.

anyone? anyone?

thanks for listening...


i am a punk rocker

on june 22 i will be in the thick of it at 1st ave seeing queen of punk!

look out minneaplois ladies....moshing is the gateway to devient behaviors

The Art of Hurling

When it comes to good, clean, wholesome fun, you can't beat a catapult. The purpose of this Web site is to "facilitate the sharing of ideas, comments and questions relating to trebuchets, other catapults both ancient and modern, and related subjects."

Thank me very much.


Slim on the Radio

Slim Goodbuzz is making weekly radio appearances. Our renowned hometown alcoholic is a regular guest on "The X106 Morning Show," offering his observations on the pros and cons of barhopping in the Twin Ports.

Hear the sultan of sot banter with "Zooch" every Thursday at 8 a.m. "Pure Rock X106" can be heard on 106.3 FM in the Duluth/Superior area and 104.3 FM in surrounding communities.