In all of this, the majority of the populace seems to be focused on the fact that we are BEING attacked and oblivious to the reasons as to WHY this is happening. The current administration (its not just W. a lot of people have their fingers in this pie for a lot of scurrilous reasons.) has a lot of people duped into thinking that the terrorists hate our freedom, hate our humvees and our baseball and our pornography and out houses in the hamptons.
To be attacked in this day and age is a response or a reaction to being provoked, oppressed or taken advantage of. (ex: WTO Seattle, Watts riots, Kent State, Venezuela...okay, these are more along the lines of civil unrest and disobedience, but you get the point.). What the 'terrorists' despise about 'us' is our involvement in Their lives, their countries…their CULTURE. Anyone who knows Islam knows it’s not just a religion. It's an entire way of life, which is what the true representation of Christianity would be if the bible were followed to the letter. Both paths speak of peace, compassion and complete submission to said religion…to God. Islam encompasses everything they do from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep, what they eat, how they dress and treat each other. Islam even governs how they do business. I've actually been to a few Islamic (Arabic) countries and I've seen it in action and at its heart is one of the most beautiful paths one could follow.
For generations this country has lived under the belief that everyone wants to be us and if there exists a culture that is content to be left alone they must be crazy and torn asunder. We are in effect, through a couple hundred years of meddling for monetary gain and world status, systematically destroying everything that Islam holds dear and on the same token their whole culture. Granted, cultural evolution is a good thing, technological progress is a good thing, even commerce is a good thing but it should never be done at the expense of another society. What we (the white folk) did to the Native Americans (and the African American and so on and so on…) in the last few hundred years or so, we've also been doing to the Arab and Islamic culture. The main difference now is that we've pissed them off to the point that they feel they have no recourse to and the wherewithal (technology, ammunition, support, etc…) to actually do something…to fight back against that which they feel oppresses them!
The smallpox we gave the Native Americans pretty much quelled any chance of an uprising, and we’re making damned sure alcohol and drug addiction takes care of any insurgencies in the future all the while destroying a beautiful culture.
-I should note at this point that this is a theory…a plausible theory, based on historic research and personal experience, but one that hasn’t been explored by very many (read: the rest of the population that actually believes they're out to get us because we're 'free') people. I don't expect anyone to actually agree with this at all, but we as a country need to start asking WHY this is happening. The reason isn't what the talking heads tell you.
Thanks for reading…sorry so opinionated…and for the waste of bandwidth.
Oh, yeah...this is the 1,253rd PDD post.