
Are You Ready For A Walk?

"If you are ready to leave father and mother, and brother and sister, and wife and child and friends, and never see them again –- if you have paid your debts, and made your will, and settled all your affairs, and are a free man –- then you are ready for a walk."
--Henry David Thoreau

Soooo, maybe you're not quite ready for a walk, but maybe a nonchalant jaunt would do you some good. That's why PDD presents:

Nonchalant Jaunt II
A 25+ mile hike along Duluth's Skyline Parkway
Saturday, Oct. 2, 2004

We'll meet at the head of the Mission Creek Trail at 8am. To get there, take Highway 23 (Grand/Commonwealth Avenue) and turn up 131st Avenue West. Go past Fond du Lac Park and follow the street until it ends in an open field. Wait patiently for others to show up.

There's only one eating establishment along Skyline -- the Buena Vista. We won't get there until probably two o'clock. That means a picnic breakfast/lunch will be in order. There are a ton of great picnic spots along the way, so pack some food.

Wacky hijinks guaranteed.


Coincidence? I think so.

I was thinking of going to see the Handsome Family at the Fine Line Music Cafe on Nov. 6, but then I remembered that Duluth's first UFO convention is on the same day at the Lakeview Castle. I think I'll stay in Duluth, but how's that for a win-win decision?

Pirate Presidency

In honor of tomorrow's visit by our Vice President--and since the Ripsaw won't hit the streets until after he leaves town--I thought it would be fun to post this today. It's an illustration Brian Barber did for my opinion piece in October's Ripsaw.
- Tony D.

I knew him when he was nothing, and he hasn't changed a bit

So, guess who's on the Late Show with David Letterman tonight?


Word of the day:Cockaigne

The depiction of the land of Cockaigne was a popular subject- allowing the narrator to fantasise on food for free - horses born with saddles and fish that leap out of the river and offer themselves as food. A poem in Dutch of 1567 describes (among other facilities) tarts that cook themselves and fences made of sausages.


This Friday, October 1st

Cartoon Art Show at the MAC by Gonzo Scientist Jim Richardson. There will be beer tasting hosted by Lake Superior Brewing (!) and goodies provided by Whole Foods Co-op and Northern Waters Smokehaus. Featuring musical guests Sloe Lorus, Crew Jones, and The Housing Project. Reception 6-8, music from 8 on.


Nonchalant Jaunt II

As many longtime PDDers will remember, one year ago (on Sept. 27, 2003), a crew of bloggers set out on a quest to walk from one end of Duluth to the other. The 26-mile feat was accomplished, and the triumphant party of six was quickly recognized as better than everyone else.

The journey began at the Wabegon Supper Club and followed Commonwealth Avenue, Grand Avenue, Superior Street and Scenic Highway 61 to the Lakeview Castle. It took about eight hours, with long stops at the Gary New Duluth Senior Center, the Sunshine Cafe, R.T. Quinlan's Saloon and Pizza Luce (along with a few other stops that were more brief).

Of course, I mention all this because we're going to do it again -- taking a different route -- and, as usual, you are invited.

More details and maps and crap will be posted next week, but for now all you need to know is:

Saturday, Oct. 2, 2004
Nonchalant Jaunt II
A walk along Skyline Parkway, from the Mission Creek Trail to Seven Bridges Road

Paul Lundgren's Everything-You-Need-to-Know Review of:

1) "Who's Afraid of Virgina Wolff" is one of the best written plays EVER, in case you didn't know.
2) Renegade Comedy Theatre's performance is outstanding, however, it is also THREE AND A HALF HOURS LONG. Get comfortable.
3) They sell beer at Renegade!!!


Sweet dreams!

Fun on the Island

If you haven't been to Madeline Island, you are missing out on quite the drinking experience... I'm not talking about Tom's Burned Down Cafe or the ritzy Beach Club... I'm talking about the Island Oasis... instead of turning right off the ferry dock to go into town, take a left, drive about a mile, and look for a house with neon beer signs in the window, and you'll have found the true treasure of Madeline Island... the Island Oasis.

Run by Bud, who also does boat tours of the islands, the menu is quite simply beer, beer, and more beer. Hours vary, and with an open container law on the island (as long as you're not driving), drinking can last far into the wee hours of the morning. One of the only bars that I've ever run into that has a combo record-player/8-track player with flashing beat lights, the tunes are great, and the company is better. Watch for the deer that Bud feeds wandering into the yard, and enjoy the quiet peace of the island with a walk down to the lake.

Just remember, you're drinking in Bud's living room... Crazy things can happen at the Island Oasis - make sure you check it out...

And if you're not doing anything for Thanksgiving, come to Bud's. My friends and I are cooking Thanksgiving dinner for anyone who happens to show up... bring your blaze orange and your blankets, because we're aiming to have a great time!


He's Drunk, He's Nationwide

Slim Goodbuzz, longtime reviewer of bars for Duluth’s Ripsaw magazine, is now also a featured columnist for Ruminator, a St. Paul-based magazine with a national readership.

Goodbuzz’s first Ruminator column appears in the magazine’s September/October issue. His review of ‘R’ Place Bar & Grill, a “dingy old bar on State Road 13 in South Range, Wisconsin,” describes how a golden retriever there performs a lewd impression of what “the girls in Hurley do.”

Goodbuzz began reviewing Twin Ports-area bars for the Ripsaw in 1999. His first book, “Perverse Verse: Filthy Limericks From the Head of the Lakes,” was published last fall by Whoppin Unlimited. A Slim Goodbuzz message board and drinking guide was launched earlier this year at www.slimgoodbuzz.com.

Goodbuzz can also be heard on the radio every Thursday at 8 a.m. during an interview segment on “The X106 Morning Show.” Broadcasts can be heard in Duluth and Superior on 106.3 FM and in neighboring communities on 104.3 FM.

Ruminator is a bimonthly magazine with a primary focus on reviews of literary fiction and serious nonfiction books. It was founded in 1986 as the Hungry Mind Review. The bimonthly magazine is available in Duluth at Northern Lights Book & Gift.

Oh Baby Baby it's a Wild World

I'm sure you've all heard about it already, but this has got to be the funniest news story of the year. With this being in the running somewhere, maybe like 18th place but worth an honorable mention.



Hillmeyer had a great idea for a Starfire Lounge, a full night of PROTEST MUSIC. So we are going to do it on Thursday, October 28th. That is the last Thursday before the general election and we need to make some noise.

I do need some help though. What is your favorite PROTEST SONG? Would you like to come down to the Lounge and play some music. Would you like to register voters that night? How about making a poster to promote the event. Any help or suggestions on making this a succesful event are appreciated.

Most importantly GET OUT THE VOTE!


Top 10 Reasons Why Beer is Better Than Jesus
(Anonymous...aka, someone forwarded it to me & there's no name on it)

10. No one will kill you for not drinking beer.
9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
8. Beer has never caused a major war.
7. They don't force beer on minors who can't think for themselves.
6. When you have a beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.
5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured to death over his brand of beer.
4. You don't have to wait 2,000+ years for a second beer.
3. There are laws saying that beer labels can't lie to you.
2. You can prove you have a beer.
1. If you have devoted your life to beer, there are groups to help you stop.


That's a whole lot of water.

My home town of Austin, MN was flooded last week. According to my family on the scene it was the worst flood on record. I you wanna see more pictures go here.

None of my relatives took on any water but my brother did rescue a Truck Driver on I-90 with a boat.

El Beanero

El golpe de cinco años de Beaner comienza hoy.

Going Off the Rails on a Crazy Train

Now I know what to do the next time I run into some crazy street preacher who won't leave me alone... ;)
Respond To Religious Harassment By Singing Show Tunes


Big Lake Brewfest...

(sorry, I'm not good enough to figure out how to use Hello so I can post pics yet, so insert your own Big Lake Brewfest picture here.)

If y'all are looking for something to do pre-Turtles/Parr this fine evening, give this a shot...might just be the perfect start to an evening of fine Duluth Music...

Looking like the usual brewfest fare, with a slight twist...my buddy Germ (Chris German) has his homebrew stand on display for the edification and amusement of both experienced and novice homebrewers alike, and there's going to be a raffle for a homebrew starter kit donated by our friends at Last Chance Liquor. With the introduction of the homebrewers booth, the event this year is taking a slightly new direction, serving to bring more cohesion to the surprisingly large enclave of homebrewers in the area.

I'll be totin ice, helping out the brewers (I have dibs on helping out with the Viking's booth, dammit) during the event and in between glasses of beer. Speaking of, the Wessman (sp?) has banned all glass on the floor, so you'll get a plastic cup at the door, and your token Brewfest Glass when you leave...

all proceeds are being donated to the local chapter of the Junior Achievement, which is a very worthy cause...

If you can grab tix pre-event, they'll be $20 and then $25 at the door if yer not so lucky...
runs from 4-8, so you'll be back on this side of the Bong well in advance of the Parr/Turtles dealio. I'll most likely be relaxing with even more beer and either The Usual Suspects, or Lost In Translation...

Please think of the children and come drink some beer!
see ya there, perhaps...


For Lithis:

After your fondling, thought you might like this:

It's a tape measure, shot with macro.

Hmm, I feel strangely compelled to add this link : seven

View Prints

Local Blogger hasseled by the man.

I was just standing in line at the "Ghetto Bank" when there was a sudden commotion out front. When I peered out the window I noticed 2 squad cars and our Geek King was surrounded. He was carrying his Fencing Foils and when I saw him earlier and I noticed the cops had confiscated those.

Is this all post 911 hysteria? Can a Foil be considered a dangerous weapon?

Damn the cops if they took him away for carrying those around.

I guess its OK to carry a gun though.

God Loves Little Girls


Any requests?

So I bring my Powerbook to Starfire Lounge every week and it really comes in handy. In the old days if someone requested a song I did not have they were out of luck. Now I can fulfill just about any request in the world.

Is there anything you wanna here tonight? I'm here till 1 AM.


Say it ain't so.

This has me puzzled. Who are these people that like gw so much? How can they feel like he is making us safer? Do these folks not read? I realize I surround myself with very Liberal folks but I still just don't get it.

The sign vandals turned themselves in. Read all about it.

Finally, Punk icon Johnny Ramone passed away yesterday from prostate cancer. R.I.P. sweet punk brother.


Gonzo Science Housewarming Event

Housewarming / Meet Allen Richardson event, Friday night at the brand new Gonzo Science Headquarters. Gifts accepted. Email gonzoscience@hotmail.com for hillside street address. Yes we know Paul L. is reading that night, but you can do it all.

Hour 20 - I'm barely awake. However, Making Fiends made me laugh hard enough to drive the sleep away.


Could anyone please please please point me at a source that has a "Freak Out" mp3? I'm looking for that disco song that goes "Awwwwwwwwww - Freak Out!" Anyone know who did it?
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi (aka PDD), you're my only hope.

Natural Born Douchebags

So I was clicking through the ever-popular Rock and Roll Hall of Douchebags yesterday, and lo and behold -- Vinnie and the Stardusters have made the cut.

Congratulations, guys! We always knew you were douchebags!


Get out of Jail Free card

Woo hoo! Power went out downtown today! I was the first to ditch work. It's kinda like when you where in high-school and there was some mythical "ten-minute" rule that if the teacher didn't show up by ten minutes everyone could leave, but that never happend.
However, a power outage did - and is there a better excuse to ditch work and go to the bar early (two days before a major software release)? No, I think not.


This has been really bothering me for awhile, and I'm sure someone out there can at least come up with a good speculation, if not an out and out answer.

Question: Why is it the owners of the Norshor Theatre decided to ditch the beautifully designed norshor.com, and instead go with norshor.biz, the design of which, uh, speaks for itself?

Puppy Love Counteracts Evil

View Prints


For You Political Types

Politics being one of the staples of PDD, I thought perhaps a lot of you might enjoy what some of our fellow bloggers are doing over at New Patriot, a new community blog dedicated exclusively to political discussion.

"We believe dissent is patriotic. We believe America can be better. We're a group of Minnesota bloggers not content to sit on the sidelines. We're going to praise what's right in America, and change what's wrong: starting with George W. Bush."

New Patriot was launched on Labor Day by Chuck Olsen (of Blogumentary) and Mark Desrosiers (of Cheek).

Check it out.


Why ask Why

In all of this, the majority of the populace seems to be focused on the fact that we are BEING attacked and oblivious to the reasons as to WHY this is happening. The current administration (its not just W. a lot of people have their fingers in this pie for a lot of scurrilous reasons.) has a lot of people duped into thinking that the terrorists hate our freedom, hate our humvees and our baseball and our pornography and out houses in the hamptons.

To be attacked in this day and age is a response or a reaction to being provoked, oppressed or taken advantage of. (ex: WTO Seattle, Watts riots, Kent State, Venezuela...okay, these are more along the lines of civil unrest and disobedience, but you get the point.). What the 'terrorists' despise about 'us' is our involvement in Their lives, their countries…their CULTURE. Anyone who knows Islam knows it’s not just a religion. It's an entire way of life, which is what the true representation of Christianity would be if the bible were followed to the letter. Both paths speak of peace, compassion and complete submission to said religion…to God. Islam encompasses everything they do from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep, what they eat, how they dress and treat each other. Islam even governs how they do business. I've actually been to a few Islamic (Arabic) countries and I've seen it in action and at its heart is one of the most beautiful paths one could follow.

For generations this country has lived under the belief that everyone wants to be us and if there exists a culture that is content to be left alone they must be crazy and torn asunder. We are in effect, through a couple hundred years of meddling for monetary gain and world status, systematically destroying everything that Islam holds dear and on the same token their whole culture. Granted, cultural evolution is a good thing, technological progress is a good thing, even commerce is a good thing but it should never be done at the expense of another society. What we (the white folk) did to the Native Americans (and the African American and so on and so on…) in the last few hundred years or so, we've also been doing to the Arab and Islamic culture. The main difference now is that we've pissed them off to the point that they feel they have no recourse to and the wherewithal (technology, ammunition, support, etc…) to actually do something…to fight back against that which they feel oppresses them!

The smallpox we gave the Native Americans pretty much quelled any chance of an uprising, and we’re making damned sure alcohol and drug addiction takes care of any insurgencies in the future all the while destroying a beautiful culture.

-I should note at this point that this is a theory…a plausible theory, based on historic research and personal experience, but one that hasn’t been explored by very many (read: the rest of the population that actually believes they're out to get us because we're 'free') people. I don't expect anyone to actually agree with this at all, but we as a country need to start asking WHY this is happening. The reason isn't what the talking heads tell you.

Thanks for reading…sorry so opinionated…and for the waste of bandwidth.

Oh, yeah...this is the 1,253rd PDD post.


Blogger, Blogger!

Little Ceaser's style.

This month my photos have the honor of being on display at Beaner's Central. If anyone is interested by all means go check it out!

The prints are available for purchase of $35. One thing you'll notice is how much they look better in person. Websized just plain doesn't do justice.

And now for something completely different...

A time-lapse music video filmed over a seven-day period, compressing the journey into less than 4 minutes. (Let it load all the way before hitting Play)


For Paul:

"Deep down, let's face it, all of us hate foreigners. It's quite natural when one lives in such a beautiful and perfect country as our own to hate and loathe those greasy-haired swivelling toadies from Europe and beyond. What worries me is that sometimes this hatred is so deep down that many of us forget about it, and instead of hitting Frenchmen and letting Dagos' tyres down, we are buying garlic-smelling French cars and eating filthy chunks of Wop dough in stinking Pizza parlours. Now I'm not saying that we should go out and burn down the nearest Eye-tie, Chink, Froggie or Pakki restaurant - I think the army should be doing that - but if we are going to keep this lovely country of ours beautiful, clean and deeply religious, we must remember that the Young Bigots Club is only a phone call away. They will come round at a moment's notice and tread on packets of Gauloises and throw Grundig equipment down the lavatory. Remember, Tolerance is a great British virtue - let's not waste it on Yids, Polacks, Wops, Krauts and Arabs." - Col. Sir Harry McWhirter M.C.C.,
Chairman The Bloody Bigots Club 1937-93


Weekly Rotating Underground Resteraunt?

I have a handful of resteraunts in Duluth that I like to frequent, but I'm getting sick of the same old these days. How about spicing things up around here as fall peeks it's head around the corner. I originally got this idea from a resteraunt in Myanmar (Burma) called the 7 sisters. you're greeted by wonderful happy hosts. You sit on the floor with tables low to the ground, with candles and good music. They start you out with appetizers & a list of the set menu they've made for that night. Every nite they've made something different. You tell them what you want & they bring out portions of different entrees that everyone dishes out of like Chinese food. Very communal. There is no check at the end. You just leave what you thought appropriate. So, i've had this idea for some time & was wondering what ya'll thought.... Would this work in Duluth as a resteraunt so to speak rotating weekly from one persons house to the next? Only open on say like a Tues night from 6-9. Ideally, a schedule could be arranged from a pool of people who wanted to host the event so you never got sick of one environment. It would be changing all the time. The host would cook up large batches of food & serve with a few of their friends. Costs could be recouped by donation basis. A different way to go out for a meal and a cool experience. Plus if you love to cook it's a great way to try some special dishes to share. Like a dinner party, but everyone's invited.


long-time listener, first-time caller.

Hi--I'm Mary, a former collegiate colleague of Maria's...ah, the vaguely-memorable times we shared in those hallowed halls of the UMD English department. (Well, technically there weren't really any halls, since we didn't really have a building, but you get the idea.) Anyway, she's been harping on me for about six months, telling me to post here. Today, my will finally broke. Maria is a stern taskmaster, to be sure.

Anyway...I grew up in Ashland, went to college in Duluth, and shortly after graduation, moved to Helena, Montana. I've been here for about three years, but still keep up with the goings-on of "The Northland," and read PDD regularly. When my time's up here in about a year or so, I might be headed back that way...as great as milder winters and mountains can be, something in me cries for the big lake and for sub-zero temperatures. Once it's in your blood, there's no shaking it.

Nice to meet you all--and I promise not to make a nuisance of myself. (After this, at least.)

Derelection 2004

Yet another election website for your perousal...this time brought to us by those rascals at Cursor.org...


What it's like

Barrett Chase dot com and I were wondering a while back what it would be like to get a Straight Razor shave. After some yellow pages searching we found the only guy in town that would help us out. Mike (forgot his last name) the Barber is not an old guy like you would think but just a guy that wants to carry on the old traditions. No, there is no more leather strap on which the razor is sharpened, a new clean blade is used for every customer. There is still lots of hot steaming towels and shaving cream.

The process takes up to 45 minutes and is more like a facial than a shave. I highly recommend it. So without further delay we present you with "What it's like, A Straight Razor Shave."

Shave [quicktime, low quality, 4.2mb]
Shave [quicktime, medium quality, 11.7mb]


I Heart Autumn...

Actually, this post has nothing to do with my hearting Autumn. I just liked the title. It's about one of the great traditions that occur during Autumn. Well, two great traditions, in fact. The first such tradition being that of college kids throwing obnoxiously loud parties at all hours during the week. The other tradition (which I am oddly quite fond of) is that of me calling the cops on said partygoers and throwers at 1:30 in the morning.

There is a house next door to my abode which is populated entirely by young college kids. Boys, mostly. In the past, the previous occupants of said domicile (also college kids) have hosted some ragers, which have provoked either me or my Lovely Bride to summon the local constabulatory, much to the chagrin of the Kids Next Door. We often warn them of the impending Police Action, which causes their guests to flee the house like rats off a sinking ship, which in turn causes me to giggle with delight. Once, we had the father of one of the kids next door (who was in fact providing alcohol to these kids, and making Dirty Old Man faces at the nubile young ladies in attendance) try to convince us that everything was cool, and that we should be cool.
This new group of kids are obviously amatuer partythrowers. They didn't bring down the wrath of the Angry Neighbor Who Has To Get Up And Roast Coffee At Six A.M. on this occasion, but I did notice that even though they seemed to have had a good start on the festivities, the event fizzled to almost nothing at about 1a.m., save one inebriated chap who insisted on hollering "YEAH!" every minute or so for about 15 minutes. After that, nothing. I heard kids going down the walk, car doors closing and ignitions...igniting, and then silence. At that point I was able to return to my sleep.

This short diatribe brings me to a question for you, my electronic peers:
Is it wrong of me to derive so much delight and satisfaction in summoning said constabulatory to thwart the children's attempts at belligerent fun during the week?
Fridays and Saturdays are fine. I can understand letting off a little steam after a hard week of pretending to study. I have been known to get boisterously drunk as some of you who actually know me can attest, so I'm not a total curmudgeon...yet.

thanks for reading...happy September.