You are acquainted with smut peddlers.
The book is called Perverse Verse: Filthy Limericks From the Head of the Lakes. It features 72 filthy limericks written by Slim Goodbuzz, and 23 illustrations drawn by 12 perverts from the region. The illustrations are part of a month-long art exhibit, which opens the night of the book release kegger.
The big event happens on Friday, Oct. 3, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Washington Gallery, 315 N. Lake Ave., in Duluth. There will be free beer, free food and free love. The books cost eight bucks, but no purchase is necessary.
We hope to see you there, and, as usual, we hope you leave your children at home.
Monday, monday.
2. 800 mg of Ibuprofen.
3. Hot shower and shave.
4. Cold bike ride to work.
ah, mondays.
Jaunt Update in text
It was a tearful goodbye on Grand Avenue, as the rest of the crew carried on after a hearty Sunshine lunch. Good luck, jaunters. You are all undeniably hot.
Pick up a couple of dead voles for me.
Oh blessed be.
Reminder! The Nonchalant Jaunt is starting tomorrow morning at 8AM! All are welcome to join in for the whole walk or any part of it. We start way out west at the Wobegon Bar by the Mont Du Lac ski area and will pretty much stick to Grand Avenue-Michigan St-Superior St route. If you want updates on our whereabouts you can check in on us right here. We will be making regular Audioblog posts.
Good news, the Tattoo festival is happening at the Lakeview Castle this weekend so there should be some fun freaks when we arrive. The Castle also makes a mean Caucasian.
Back Online, Baby
Blogger is Fucked
From the Ripsaw Kiosk.
ELEGY—two YEARS AND two DAYS AFTER Travis Wilkerson’s documentary of ELEGY, the 25-hour drone concert for Michael Lenz will be given a pre-screening on Sept 23. Open musical drone cooperative will follow until 11pm sharp. All ages are welcome to the pre-screening and encouraged to participate in the drone. Film will start at 9:21pm sharp. Admission is free. NorShor Theater, 211 E. Superior St., Duluth.
hot topics.
-The rock-n-roll-kamikaze bands have been formed. 18 in all, I am in band#15 with bridgette baker, chip rogers and stravros glitsos. With a name like Stavros we can't lose.
-Ca-Chee is researching the exact distance of our Nonchalant Jaunt and will get back to us today.
-The second annual Cruiser Bike Poker Ride was a huge success yesterday. Met some great folks, drank at 5 local establishments and mostly dodged the rain drops. I had the worst poker hand in the group.
The Nonchalant Jaunt
ok i'm here
so hi to yous that i know & luv and glad to meet the rest of you all.
Double Posting Problem
One of the participant's knees are still all screwed up. I warned him.
You are a Pirate Second Class
Do you remember the last time you took
a chance? I do. It was when you decided
to leave the security of your mother's womb
and headed for the bright light. It's time
to head for the next bright light, my friend.
Creativity is not your strong suit. You
are good at doing what you are told to do
and that, in itself, is a gift. It's not a
gift to you, mind you, but rather a gift to
those who will be there to tell you what
to do. You like long walks on the beach and
cuddling, but would never admit that to your
Guy friends who think you are okay but can't
always remember your name. Tapioca pudding
seems a bit extreme for a fellow such as
yerself, what with all the bumps and stuff.
It's a good thing ye be on a pirate ship,
otherwise, ye'd would be walkin' because ye be
positively pedestrian. Have a nice day.
What's Yer Inner Pirate?
brought to you by The Official Talk Like A Pirate Web Site. Arrrrr!
An anniversary.
Now, 6 years later the Starfire Lounge is going strong. I thought it might die when they banned the smoking but now it is smoke free and busy. Tonight we will celebrate with some extra DJ's on the roster, a cask conditioned Starfire Pale Ale on tap and the return of the T-Shirts.
Thank you Tim and Rod and Dave and Mike and Jeff and all of the staff for letting me control the music for all these years. Thank you to all the D.J.'s, especially LumpyG (my fact checkin' cuz) and Tim Anderson for holding down the fort when I hit the road with that band. In the future we may stay open a bit later. Ouch, my head hurts with the thought of it.
See you tonight.
It was free at first...
The good folks at Doteasy have been hosting our little forum for the low, low price of FREE. That is until maybe tomorrow when we will exceed our bandwidth and the whole site will be shut down till next month, unless we start paying. That means 8 dollars a month every month till they charge us even more.
We do get a bunch of new options if we pay the 8 bucks and I think we should. Hell, I will even cough up the dough just to keep us online.
Other ideas might include the selling of snappy t-shirts which I would be happy to make at my job. Maybe a PDD party is more your style. If we all kicked in a couple of bucks we could keep the party rolling into the next realm.
Please feel free to leave your ideas in our handy comment section.
a first day.
walk, bike, bus.
I have been without car a few other times and it is amazing how quickly you can adjust. I am lucky to live within 2 blocks of an organic coop and a liquor store. Work is 14 blocks away, my favorite bars are no more than 16 blocks away and the closest beach is 5 blocks away.
Life is good!
Can i bum a ride to the movie theatre tomorrow?
snake in the theatre.
I also hear that a LARGE snake might make an appearance. Oh, and the nudity, always the nudity.
Thank you Johnny.
Hi. Reverand Matt will be the first to receive his post card. His idea for a post card was, "an image of a postal employee sorting the mail, with the very postcard you've drawn in his hand! He might have a perplexed look on his face."
I started one and hated it and then started another. So the lucky Reverand will get two postcards for the price of one.
I am so sleepy now.....
Should I?
Well, so, anyway when preparing a post the other day about getting out to vote I searched for websites on the candidates and was amazed to see that most of them did not have one. As of 10 minutes ago www.herbbergson.com is still available. Then I started thinking about the success Howard Dean has had with blogging and how it is FREE! That would seem to fit into Herb's campaign strategy and it is pretty damn easy to set up and post to daily.
So, should I give him the idea? I know people on his campaign and I have his cell number. Or, should I register the domain myself and taunt him? I only wish I could get more excited about his candidacy and maybe I would if he became a blogger.
What do y'all think?
Are there any more of these?
Superior | Inferior
Superior | Siberior
NorShor Theatre | Norse Whore Theatre
Center for Personal Fitness | Center for Personal Fatness
Fond du Luth Casino | Fondle-youth Casino
Electric Fetus | Electric Penis
The Lamplighter | The Limplifter
Anchor Bar | Wanker Bar
Androy Hotel | Android Hotel
The Capri | The Crapi
The Capri | The Debris
The Reef | The Queef
The Palace | The Phallus
There are no new ideas.
Today, via Mass Distraction I came across a website by this guy. I like the idea of making art based on a suggestion so I had an idea. The first five folks that send me a thought or an idea for a post card and their address will get an original postcard from me. I will post it on the site before I mail it so everyone can view my progress, but the original is yours. If this works out O.K. I will do it again when the mood strikes me.
Send me an email if you are interested. Nothing like a deadline to get something done.
Good night.
Duluth for Dean!
Jim Richardson of Gonzo Science fame is having his second Dean for Prez party tomorrow. Below is his email invite:
I am having my second Howard Dean for President party this Thursday, Sept. 11th, from 4-8 PM. Please come if you are already a Dean supporter or if you just want more information! Like last time there will be high quality Dean video playing on the computer the whole time (different video than last time), as well as a festive party. I have also scored a video tape of the Democratic candidates debate last week that will play on the VCR.
This event is BYOB and pot luck; I don't have a lot to spend this month on beer and food (I gave it to the Howard Dean campaign) so bring what you are able! If you haven't already done so, please check out www.deanforamerica.com. Thank you! Come one, come all; let's do something POSITIVE on September 11th this year.
The address is 626 N. 8th Ave. East.
the unveiling of the elegy.
the KUMD in-studio session that took place before the Elegy event back in September of 2001 has been released by the good folks (or should i say, singular, folk) Chairkicker's Music. Remember Elegy? We're almost at the two-year anniversary.
i didn't really have much to do with the disc actually, though i did write some stupid words on the inside.
go buy yourself a copy. please. it's for a good cause. there's some good music on it. and it'll make me very happy. thanks.
all for Michael Lenz, lest we forget.
Just goes to show you never can tell.
I have lived in Duluth, MN. for 11 years now and one of the things I have always cherished is the ability to park either direction on residential streets. Sure I know it is illegal and most cities do not tolerate this behaviour but Duluth was always tolerant until today. I blame the students. They come back to town and the police feel the need to crack down. Is it not bad enough that I can find no parking when the collegiate darlings descend on my neighborhood? The least they could do is invite me to their parties that go on until dawn. I would not even complain if the parking tickets were still 6 bucks but it seems the administration is trying to act like a big city and has recently doubled the price of parking misdeeds. So in protest of my parking misfortune I will be paying my fine in pennies at the courthouse in the morrow. That will be 1800 copper buddies that I will sort out after I publish this post. I know the lady sitting behind the bulletproof glass has nothing to do with my situation but it will feel so good to watch her count them one-by-one.
On a more political note. It looks like Charlie Bell and Herb Bergson will be squaring off for the title of Mayor come November. Herb was the biggest vote getter followed closely by Chuck. Donnie Ness walked away with over 12,000 votes in his bid for reelection to the City Council. I like that Donnie, too bad he is not running for Mayor.
Finally, I am entering the Rock&Roll Kami-Kaze and NorShor College (Dis)orientation contest to be held on Saturday October 4th at the NorShor Theatre. Anyone can sign up and have your name tossed in a hat from which bands of 4 will be drawn. Those bands will then have 2 weeks to put together a short set of music which will be judged by local music lovers. Sounds like a hoot. Send Adam an email if you are interested
O.K. Sorry for the rant. I must count pennies now.
p.s. i bought a Hewlett Packard scanner today, model 3500c. On sale at Best Buy for 59 bucks. Watch out world.
Get out and VOTE!
Hey Kids it's primary day so get out there and do the right thing. Mayor, city council and school board are all on the ballots. We are one step closer to saying goodbye to Doty who has been mayor since I moved to this town. If you are unsure of where your voting location is this may help.
The interview chain.
How it Works
1. Send me an email, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You'll update your website with my five questions and your five answers.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
The 5 Five Questions.
1. What were your five favorite bands in junior high or high school? Do
you still like them?
U2, R.E.M, the Replacements, Gear Daddies, the Smiths, the Cure, Talking Heads, Urban Guerillas, Meat Puppets, Big Country, B-52's, Pylon.
I would have to go through my unalphebatized collection to think of any more. I still like them all.
2. When and what was the worst haircut you ever had, and how long did the
horror last?
My mother would say that my orange mohawk of last may is the worst week-long haircut of my life but I liked it. My own personal worst haircut was given to me 4 years ago at a local salon by a very nice but unskilled stylist. I went back on her day off for a repair job.
3. You can only listen to one album for the next year. What album will it
"Let's go scare al" by the Gear Daddies. I love to sing along and it makes me feel young again.
4. What was the best live concert you ever attended? The worst?
Best? Thanks for the easy questions Sharyn. The best show that I always think of when asked is the Violent Femmes in 1986 at First Avenue. My friend Jeff was in a wheelchair because of a bad leg fracture so we got in first and left last. The band came out after the show and signed his cast and were very nice to us. The worst show was hands down Ted Nugent at the DECC in Duluth. I was there in a Paramedic capacity.
5. You have six months to do anything and live anywhere you want. Only one
place but no other limits. Where do you go and what do you do?
Belgium, definitely Belgium, in the Summer and Fall months with a bike and beer and chocolate and bread. Yes, Belgium.
Unrelated; I just heard that Warren Zevon passed away. Rest in peace. I saw one of his shows once. It was great.
And speaking of welts
No one ever said paintball was painless.
I have welts and I suck at Settlers of Cattan
Dinner of Cilantro Pesto and a game of Cattan to wind up the day. My numbers did NOT come up. I will play again. I WILL win! I will own you all!!!!
Wonka Puppet Theatre
You Are So Dead.
Who: Trigger-happy Mofos
What: Paintball
Where: Superior Fire Power
When: Sunday, Sept. 7, 2pm
Why: If You Have to Ask...
Let's all kill each other.
First Avenue, Leinenkugel's in plastic cups and you.
Peter S. Scholtes has the cover article this week in the City Pages. It is an oral history of the infamous First Avenue. I cut my young musical teeth there and it continues to change my life. I was briefly interviewed for the article (everybody was invited to) but didn't make the final cut. After reading the finished piece I am embarrased that I even accepted the offer to share my thoughts.
You can pick up a real copy of the City Pages at the Electric Fetus.
Fun with Science!
It's About Time
I want the site to be as interactive as possible, without too much clutter or redundancy. The ultimate goal is to have the regular Goodbuzz readers speaking up about the things they drunkenly care about (i.e. whether Slim is "way off" or "spot on").
Anyone who wants to throw any ideas my way will be enthusiastically greeted. I'd especially appreciate it if anyone knows URLs to sites by area bars, or other inebriation-based attractions, local or otherwise.
Our Official Anthem
Shaky Ray Records
923 N. 12th Ave. E.
Duluth MN 55805