How it Works
1. Send me an email, saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions.
3. You'll update your website with my five questions and your five answers.
4. You'll include this explanation.
5. You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
The 5 Five Questions.
1. What were your five favorite bands in junior high or high school? Do
you still like them?
U2, R.E.M, the Replacements, Gear Daddies, the Smiths, the Cure, Talking Heads, Urban Guerillas, Meat Puppets, Big Country, B-52's, Pylon.
I would have to go through my unalphebatized collection to think of any more. I still like them all.
2. When and what was the worst haircut you ever had, and how long did the
horror last?
My mother would say that my orange mohawk of last may is the worst week-long haircut of my life but I liked it. My own personal worst haircut was given to me 4 years ago at a local salon by a very nice but unskilled stylist. I went back on her day off for a repair job.
3. You can only listen to one album for the next year. What album will it
"Let's go scare al" by the Gear Daddies. I love to sing along and it makes me feel young again.
4. What was the best live concert you ever attended? The worst?
Best? Thanks for the easy questions Sharyn. The best show that I always think of when asked is the Violent Femmes in 1986 at First Avenue. My friend Jeff was in a wheelchair because of a bad leg fracture so we got in first and left last. The band came out after the show and signed his cast and were very nice to us. The worst show was hands down Ted Nugent at the DECC in Duluth. I was there in a Paramedic capacity.
5. You have six months to do anything and live anywhere you want. Only one
place but no other limits. Where do you go and what do you do?
Belgium, definitely Belgium, in the Summer and Fall months with a bike and beer and chocolate and bread. Yes, Belgium.
Unrelated; I just heard that Warren Zevon passed away. Rest in peace. I saw one of his shows once. It was great.
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