
Sometimes quitters win.

As I alluded to yesterday, today is a big day for me. Two years ago today I quit smoking. I didn't start smoking young, my first cigarette was on a camping trip when I was 27. My friend Tommy who is about the biggest jock in the world brought some roll-your-own tobacco and I thought it would be cool to have one. That first ciggy buzz was awesome. I think I had 3 or 4 more that weekend and that was the start. I didn't buy my own cigs right away I would just bum them at parties or the bar. When I did buy my own I would have a couple and throw the rest away. As time went on the habit consumed me more and more. I slowly gave up my active lifestyle for the evil weed. Towards the end of my 4 year long habit I was up to almost a pack a day and sick more than I felt good.

I did quit a few times in those 4 years but never more than a month at a time. Then I found the book that saved my life, "Allen Carr's Easy way to Quit Smoking." It really clicked with me and I quit for good. Not only did I quit the physical act of smoking but I also escaped the mental prison that is smoking. There is a difference. Unless you quit in your head you will start smoking again.

I don't want to sound all preachy and holier than thou. I guess I just want to say that if I can quit anybody can.

Here are some of the numbers:

Cigarettes not smoked [10,950]
Money saved [$2,737.50]
Respiratory illnesses avoided [6 or so]
Self esteem improved [90%]

I guess I should also thank the band Low for their part in helping me quit. 2 years ago today we jumped in the van to start 3 months of touring. I couldn't bear the thought of smoking and touring. Craving a cigarette on a 10 hour drive would have killed me and smelling like an ashtray while taking care of a child is not so attractive.

Now I just need to get my cravings for those Hostess Apple Pies under control.

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