
going underground

So the other day I stopped by the local Inn and nailed a parchemnt to the wall..."party forming for dungeon adventure" I was contacted by a half elf rouge, and a comely one to boot, and we stole away to seek our fortune in the dank abyss of the chester creek tunnels.

We were confronted with many horrible monsters, the gelatenous cubes being most unfriendly.

The trip is not without it's lovely ascpects and we soon found ourselves deep in the infernal abyss...by walgreens...the ruins of previous civilizations lay, half buried, in the silt of time

At the end of the deepest tunnel we found the way blocked by a nearly unsurpassable trough. The rouge's climbing ability was good and we continued. Finally in a clearing, we found the throne of the creek king. He likes to quaff from a Colt from a 64. ANyone up for more urban adventuring?

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