
Get involved.

I just got a call from the Minnesota MoveOn office. They are having a teleconference tonight at 9pm and all Duluthians are invited to join in. Lindsay from MoveOn said they are understaffed in Duluth and are desperately looking for more bodies.

I hate getting involved as much as the next guy but I will join in tonight and here what they have to stay.

The 411

Call this number at 9pm | 712.824.4000

Enter this PIN number | 273987

You will be charged for the long distance call but it should only last between 15 and 30 minutes depending on how many questions folks have.

Also, don't forget about Cocktails with Charlotte VanVactor tonight at the NorShor from 5-7pm. Local politics are just as important as the national elections and Charlotte is pretty darn cool.

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