We know you have it, now get your add on.
last.fm Twin Ports group
Need some help!
A friend of mine desperately needs some help. She's looking for an apartment within walking distance to downtown, and to move in September 1st. There are a couple of factors that have been making this very difficult. It's her first apartment (no rental references), she just started her new job at Fond du Luth (no paystub yet), for "security reasons" Fond du Luth absolutely refuses to acknowledge that she works there to anyone who calls to verify her employment, and she has a cat. Also, does not want a roommate situation. She can spend up to $650 after any utilities. We've called pretty much everyone in the paper and also called Apartment Advisors with no luck. Nobody likes cats. She's very good at bills - I thought maybe there's a chance someone on PDD could be helpful.
Happy and Smart!!
How to Serve the Ministry of Reshelving:
- Go to a bookstore and locate its copies of George Orwell's 1984. It is probably incorrectly classified as "Fiction" or "Literature."
- Discreetly move all copies of 1984 to a more suitable section, such as "Current Events", "Politics", "History", "True Crime", or "New Non-Fiction."
Ministry of Reshelving Flickr group
(Via Future Tense on MPR - Listen)
I want to share the email response I got from Doteasy.com today.
So it looks like it might be a while until things get back to normal. Hang tight kids.
Hello Scott,
Please note that your usage for the month has exceeded the capabilities of a shared hosting environment. If you have taken the necessary steps to reduce your traffic usage, you will see an improvement in your site performance in the next month or so. If at the end of this month your performance has still not improved, please contact us again and we will see what we can do for you. If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Doteasy Customer Service
"Join the hosting revolution!"
So it looks like it might be a while until things get back to normal. Hang tight kids.
The HelioDisplay technology page lists some of its remarkable features:
# Inputs from most regular sources: PC,TV, DVD, HDTV, Video game consoles
# Projects a 22″ to 42″ (depending on model) diagonal image that floats above the device
# It is interactive, like a virtual touch screen: a hand or finger can act as a mouse
# Although the HelioDisplay uses lasers, the images are not holographic
Possible uses for this product include advertising, entertainment facilities, design prototyping, teleconferencing etc. Obviously the applications for such a product are endless. Most importantly it may convince my wife to finally allow the purchase of the Brook Burke Swimsuit calendar for testing purposes! This of course relies heavily on pricing (TBD) and other more, um, personal matters.
Apparently the product is ready for release;
You may have noticed.
PDD has been loading very slowly or not at all lately. This is because of the widely popular dancing kid from West Duluth. We removed the file from our server yesterday so hopefully things will start to return to normal.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your patience.
Cleaning Up
Shameless introduction.
hi, my name is Ian, I've been lurking around here for quite a while and feel like it is time for a shameless introduction. sooo.... If you happen to like trip-hop/downtempo music, we (2 djs, percussionist, and random guests) play down at the Red Star every Saturday evening from 11pm till midnight (before the dance music starts). If you stop by, say hello. (I'm the one with the long hair)
wish me luck...
Tamara and I are travelling to Bayfield to do some lawn care on her ma's place. Her Ma's gonna be there at some point this weekend as well. While it's a great way to escape the City during the Boozefest (if it were only booze and not fifty thousand rich white guys riding harleys listening to the "blues," I'd stay but it isn't so I'm not...), I'm sort of nervous about the whole meet the mom thing...sort of. I'm not freaked out about it by any means.
In every other relationship I've been in, meeting the mom means things are for the most part...serious...which they are, IMO...cohabitation sorta solidifies that.
ehh...I've got nothing to worry about really.
hope everyone has a great weekend nevertheless...
In every other relationship I've been in, meeting the mom means things are for the most part...serious...which they are, IMO...cohabitation sorta solidifies that.
ehh...I've got nothing to worry about really.
hope everyone has a great weekend nevertheless...
perseid meteors + camping
i just, just came down with the itch.
yes, the itch to come up and camp with the boyfriend and the dogs for a night to watch the perseids, which are supposed to be phenomenal tonight.
so...can anyone suggest a good, secluded, non-light-polluted, preferably low-cost place to camp?
[now i really, really want to leave work. i mean, leave work now.]
yes, the itch to come up and camp with the boyfriend and the dogs for a night to watch the perseids, which are supposed to be phenomenal tonight.
so...can anyone suggest a good, secluded, non-light-polluted, preferably low-cost place to camp?
[now i really, really want to leave work. i mean, leave work now.]
C. Monroe
I spent Tuesday morning with the infamous Chris Monroe. We talked, she inked. Won't you watch? This story can also be seen at MN Stories.
[click the pic]
Ok, if anyone was wondering about the craziness of the last few days - it was my fault.
It wasn't meant to be mean-spirited or anything. When I saw the video, I was reminded of the Star Wars Kid, Numa Numa, and other "internet hits". So I posted it to the same site where I saw the previously mentioned videos, figuring that some other people might enjoy "the Kid from West Duluth", and it might even bring some attention to Duluth's little blog.
Later when I checked back, I was disturbed and dismayed by what people had written. I felt like a kid in high school inviting my new buddies to the A/V room to meet my old friends, and then was shocked and horrified as my "new friends" started trashing the A/V equipment and stealing lunch money from my friends. Seriously. I had an ache in my stomach as I thought "What have I done?"
I just wanted everyone to know that we didn't have an online community full of assholes, just one.
Tommy Lee + Me
Is anyone else excited about Tommy Lee goes to college?
By golly, I am. I went to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, just like Tommy. My first year, I lived in the dorm pictured above. But that's not all. It seems that Tommy and I have been leading nearly parallel lives.
Consider this:
Tommy's last name is Lee
My middle name is Lee
Tommy played drums in a band.
I played drums in a band.
At UNL, photographers followed Tommy everywhere.
At UNL, I studied photography.
Tommy has lots of tattoos. And nipple rings.
I know people with tattoos. I have nipples.
Tommy married a woman whose name starts with "P"
I married a woman whose name starts with "P"
I have 2 kids.
Tommy has at least 2 kids
Chicks dig Tommy and ignore his faults.
Chicks ignore me.
I'm old.
Tommy's even older.
Support yer PBS!
Tamara and I made the Big Jump and pledged moolah to PBS last night. They made us an offer we just couldn't refuse...
We got a bobblehead, a Red Green coffee mug, Red Green patch, and the Red Green DVD! All I need now is a case of duct tape and I'm set!
Let's bow our heads for the Man's Prayer...
Dear Lord,
I'm a man,
But I can change
If I have to,
I guess.
keep your stick on the ice.
We got a bobblehead, a Red Green coffee mug, Red Green patch, and the Red Green DVD! All I need now is a case of duct tape and I'm set!
Let's bow our heads for the Man's Prayer...
Dear Lord,
I'm a man,
But I can change
If I have to,
I guess.
keep your stick on the ice.
Street Parking
You know, I've lived here on and off for six years now, but never once asked this. What is the deal with parking either way on roads? I've never seen it like this anywhere else that I've been, and am just wondering if it is technically illegal, and just that nobody cares. I've never had issues doing it, but have at least one friend who claims to have gotten a ticket for it.
Either way, I like it. :D You just know that the liberal attitude for parking, combined with the one way streets really has to confuse a bunch of the tourists.
Either way, I like it. :D You just know that the liberal attitude for parking, combined with the one way streets really has to confuse a bunch of the tourists.
My Mom.
My Mom and Stepdad are coming to Duluth tomorrow for their annual visit and I'm looking for suggestions on activities. Of course we will go to the beach and eat out and maybe go to a movie. Where do you all take your folks when they visit? I'm open to any and all suggestions.
Thank you.
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