
Tommy Lee + Me

Is anyone else excited about Tommy Lee goes to college?

By golly, I am. I went to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, just like Tommy. My first year, I lived in the dorm pictured above. But that's not all. It seems that Tommy and I have been leading nearly parallel lives.

Consider this:

Tommy's last name is Lee
My middle name is Lee

Tommy played drums in a band.
I played drums in a band.

At UNL, photographers followed Tommy everywhere.
At UNL, I studied photography.

Tommy has lots of tattoos. And nipple rings.
I know people with tattoos. I have nipples.

Tommy married a woman whose name starts with "P"
I married a woman whose name starts with "P"

I have 2 kids.
Tommy has at least 2 kids

Chicks dig Tommy and ignore his faults.
Chicks ignore me.

I'm old.
Tommy's even older.

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