
Good morning from Bergamo, Italy.

Most of you are snug in bed while I type this. Today is our second full day of Radiohead mania and it is going very well. I really had no idea what to expect from these shows but I am happy to report things are pretty good. We arrived pretty early to the venue yesterday which was an enclosed Track and Field type of place right next door to a Football arena. That is soceer to us americanos. We were given our tour laminates and shown our dressing room which is normally used as a press conference room after football games. We decided to check into the hotel and kill some time until sound check.

Bergamo is a beautiful city and very clean, at least what I have seen is. The weather is in the 90's but the humidity is low and it cools off at night. The Italians have been wonderful to us and of course the food is great.

When we went back to the venue Radiohead was finishing up with there sound check and they sounded real good. As they came off the stage they all welcomed us which made me feel a bit more comfortable. I still feel like I shouldn't quite be back stage but I will get over it.

Today we are heading to Florence where they will play 2 shows and then we have a day off to explore and walk and see art and culture and drink wine. Yeah.

I am having fun getting to know Karla as well. She is a really great person who writes speeches for a democratic goverment type guy in New York when she is not off playing music. He may even be running for mayor i guess. Well it is almost time to head out of town so have a great day and I will update when I can.

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