
Poll Results

What do you want to give the Cheat?

Poll 1:
Golden Shower [3 votes, 3.49%]
Pearl Necklace [5 votes, 5.81%]
A good Pegging [20 votes, 23.26%]
Dirty Sanchez [40 votes, 46.51%]
Rusty Trombone [3 votes, 3.49%]
Dutch OVen [4 votes, 4.65%]
Cleveland Steamer [5 votes, 5.81%]
Hot Carl [2 votes, 2.33%]
Dog in a Bathtub [2 votes, 2.33%]
Coyote [2 votes, 2.33%]

Poll 2:
The "Turkey" [1 vote, 2%]
The "Stuffing" [2 votes, 4%]
The "Cranberry Sauce" [0 votes, 0%]
The "Potatoes with Gravy" [2 votes, 4%]
The "Jello Salad" [8 votes, 16%]
The "Buns" [3 votes, 6%]
The "3-bean Casserole" [4 votes, 8%]
The "Squash" [24 votes, 48%]
The "Spinach Dip and Bread" [1 vote, 2%]
The "Pumpkin Pie" [5 votes, 10%]

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