
The cool air feels nice.

Our hero Chuck.

Barrett, Ca-Chee and LumpyG in front of a patriotic school bus
God Bless the patriotic bus.

an unnamed skinnydipper on Lake Superior
Nice dive.

What a wonderful day in Duluth. Thanks again to Chuck and Sharyn and their friends for making us feel at home in the big city of Minneapolis last night. We got to Bryant Lake Bowl just in time to see Chuck's Blogumentary and laugh our asses off. We blew off the rest of the movies due to a lack of seating and the high temps in the sold out theatre. We did however enjoy a couple of Bell's Amber Ales on tap in the bar. Sharyn of Mass Distraction sighted us first and came over to say hi. When Chuck came out of the theatre I felt like a Rock-n-Roll groupie waiting backstage. After everyone snapped photos of everyone else we made plans to go to the new Chipolte on Hennepin Ave. It was built on the site of the old Embers at which I have had several drunken bar-rush meals. I prefer the Chipolte.

Chuck and his significant other did not make it to dinner but Sharyn and her friend Allison did and we whooped it up until it was clear we must head north. 3/4 of us had to work today. The trip home went quickly but damn my eyes started to get tired. The highlight of the late night drive was an old mix tape that Lumpy and I made at the Brewhouse years ago.

There is the first hint of Fall in the air today but the water is still warm and the flowers in my front yard are in full bloom. Later.

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