
Call for Submissions

The Free Duluth movement, which declared independence at their last event (read the declaration soon at www.freeduluth.com) is trying to score an art show at Washington Studios to hang in February. This proposed multimedia exhibition of visual, musical, and performance art will function as one of a series of thematically related happenings through the winter. The art for the proposed exhibition would hang for the whole month of February.

What we need to do to score the show is submit a proposal of 6-12 images to the Washington Studios Gallery Committee by Tuesday, December 14. The front-runner candidate for Duluth President, Allen Richardson, and myself will collect the images from interested artists and present them to the Committee.

I have three cartoons I want in the show so we are off to a good start. All interested persons are encouraged to contact gonzoscience@hotmail.com before the 14th. In addition we are interested in hearing about any ideas for readings, performance and/or music on the proposed exhibition's opening night of Feb. 4.

The themes we are looking for include Duluth culture, Free Republic of Duluth flag designs, freedom/autonomy/self-determination, life-as-art, dadaism, surrealism, and radical subjectivity. Extra points for anything dealing with May 1968, the Communards, peasant uprisings/breakaway republics, alternate histories, ontological anarchy and secret societies. If anyone has original, local art that could be shoehorned into any of these categories, please contact us.

Stay tuned for updates regarding the upcoming debates and election for Duluth President between Allen Richardson, his VP Devin "The Scotsman" McKinnon, and their baby-eating opponent, Sienna Effinger.

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