
Call to Action

Faithful readers of this blog: this is a call to action:

Our Mayor, Herb Bergson, has taken a groundbreaking step of issuing a Proclamation welcoming our GLBT community and proclaiming Sept 3-5 GLBT Pride Days here in Duluth. This is the first time this has ever happened in our community. I urge all of you readers, even if you don't live around here, to contact Herb and let him know that you support his decision to end hate and intolerance by city government in the Duluth area. Here is his contact information:
email: hbergson@ci.duluth.mn.us
phone: 218-730-5230
An internet form you can fill out that sends email directly to him:

He is recieving a lot of hate mail and phone calls from people who disagree with his decision. Let's show our support for him and let him know he is not alone.

Thank you!

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