
People Like That On Cruises Like These

You may have noticed that Julie the Cruise Director has been a bit lazy lately. Well, as always, this is a community, and you can help.

I've reorganized the Cruise Director page, as you can see. The left side consists of links, the right side consists of events posted via a blog, which you can join.

If you are one of those people who tends know what the hell's going on in this city, drop a line to julie@perfectduluthday.com and join the Cruise Director. (If you are already a member of PDD, joining is very easy.) Information about events is the top reason people visit this site, and it would be cool to be able to provide accurate, easy-to-find information on a consistent basis.

Also, even if you don't want to join, e-mail julie@perfectduluthday.com with your suggestions for websites to link to, and with any other suggestions for this part of PDD.

Merci beaucoup.

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