
Does anyone have any good web hosts that you could recommend? My previous web host (that I used to really like) has begun discovering new levels of ass-suckiness, so I'm doing a blanket poll to try to get input. Please send me an email (mkengstrom(at)gmail(dot)com) or post a comment. Thanks! :)

What I look for in a webhost:
Cost: not willing to pay more than $15/mo, and won't charge/over-charge if one of my pages becomes slashdotted
Storage: need at least 50mb, but much more is preferred
Database, ASP, FrontPage Extensions: don't need it right now
Bandwidth: don't need a whole lot, just "average"
Uptime: I don't mind a few outages, but not more than .5hr/mo
Ads: absolutely none

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