
Cacophany Forever

I found this link today over at Chuck's Blogumentary about the rising trend of "flash mobs" in NYC and now Minneapolis and San Francisco. Flash mobs are the shit--a large mob of strangers, usually numbering from 100-200, congregate at a particular place at a particular time in order to act out some sort of weirdness. At the last one in NYC, around 150 people showed up at the rug department at Macy's and told the clerks that they were a communal group from New Jersey, and that they were interested in purchasing a new "love rug" for the warehouse in which they lived.

A few months ago, I talked on my blog about cacophany societies, which are dedicated to spreading weirdness by throwing strange gatherings such as "bad Santa Claus outfit" parties, or by stunts such as filling teddy bears with cement and leaving them around town.

I need more free time.

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