
Good morning from Madrid. We made some changes in our plans. We were going to take 2 days to get from Nimes, France to Madrid because it is a 12 hour drive but decided to do it all in one day so we could spend some time hanging out in Spain. I am glad we made that decision now but it was one hellofa long drive. We hit the road by about 9:30 yesterday morning and the oven was preheated to about 350 by noon.

Suddenly about 200 kilometersout of town the temperature dropped down to about 17 degrees celsius. Jackets were pulled out that had migrated to the bottoms of everyones bags. This morning the temp is still cool and the sun is as about as bright as I have ever seen.

Our hotel is just 2 blocks from the Bull fighting ring where the show will happen tonight. Hard to believe this is the last show and at this time tomorrow I will be on my way to Amsterdam-Mpls and then home to Duluth. This has reallty been a dream trip.

Nice to see so many new posts. Hi Tim and Jerree! I also am getting quite a kick out of the Doty pictures in place of the missing blogger pics. I will not miss him when he is gone.

Well I am going to head out and take the Metro into the center of town now. There is a Camper shoe store with my name on it. Everything is much cheaper in Spain and I love shoes.


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